Group for Research on Critical Discourse Analysis and Systemic Functional Linguistics
Published: 26/03/2019 - 08:19
Last modification: 14/02/2022 - 17:11
Published: 26/03/2019 - 08:19
Last modification: 14/02/2022 - 17:11
Grupo de Pesquisa no CNPQ:
Linhas de Pesquisa:
Coordination: Maria Aparecida Resende Ottoni
Group for Research and Study on Critical Discourse Analysis and Systemic-Functional Linguistics
Established in 2009, the research group aims to provide an institutional space for discussing Critical Discourse Analysis and Systemic-Functional Linguistics, their potential and limitations, the possibilities of applying them to language teaching, and researcher training. The group currently has 28 members from various institutions.