GESTE – Group for the Study of Expertise

Published: 14/02/2022 - 14:50
Last modification: 03/03/2022 - 10:57

Coordination: Igor Antônio Lourenço da Silva and Cynthia Beatrice Costa

The research group focuses on expertise by building on Ericsson’s expert performance approach and Collins and Evan’s sociological approach. By investigating particularly translation, writing, reading, revision, localization, interpreting, post-editing, and film-making involving different languages and language pairs (i.e., Brazilian Portuguese, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Brazilian Sign Language), it aims to understand cognitive and linguistic characteristics that make experts stand out or excel in their fields. Processes and products are investigated separately or conjointly by triangulating various data collection methods (e.g., verbal protocols, eye tracking, key logging, surveys) and using a thorough theory of language, including Cognitive Linguistics, Systemic-Functional Linguistics, and Corpus Linguistics. Key reflections upon expertise involve the notions of cognitive effort, deliberate practice, interactional expertise, and contributory expertise. Studies are theoretical, descriptive (corpus-based) or experimental.


Group website: